Lots of Ways to Make an Impact.

Volunteer With Us.

SHAPE NM is always seeking passionate volunteers to join us in this social justice minded work. Shape your time to join our group of volunteers for outreach, event planning, phone screenings, and whatever your talent is, let us know if our message box!

Make A Donation.

As little as $1 can make an impact on the community in large ways! Donate today and receive a thank you mystery sticker/button pack full of lots of fun designs. The more you donate, the bigger the pack!

Donations under $20, sticker/button packs only available for local pick up.

graphic of pop art styled black and white lips with a speech bubble with black wording "community is harm reduction"
circle graphic with yellow background. image of narcan nasal spray and black words around the edge, "dont forget to pack me"

Love the graphics you see on this page, you can order merch from our store with these designs!