Community Sourced Resources.

Pink background with graphic image of a blue and pink condom wrapper with the words "what people do with their bodies is none of your business" in bold white letters
graphic of rainbow background and black t rex with white text on top saying "Get tested!"
circle image with orange background and upside down yellow graphic smiley face with bold white letter saying "Enchantment? I hardly know her."

Organization Feedback Sourcing.

We seek to only provide resources in our resource navigation that are supported by real people in the community that have used these services first hand. We want to hear all the details about positive and negative experiences you've had so we can feel confident in referring or deterring people from using services. We hold as much value in negative experiences as positive, but we do hope you can find one positive experience to share, even if you have a list of ten negatives you care to share. Fill out the form below to contribute to community support and autonomy on service access.

We are still in the collection phase of this project but hope to release this information to the public. Be sure to subscribe to our Newsletter to get updates on when this project is released. Thanks for helping us shape the community’s experience, bringing autonomy and empowering people to make best decisions for themselves! 

pink background with a graphic of a white toilet with the lid lifted and water in the bowl, a blue tile background and blue text saying "bathoom access is a human right."

Community Bathroom Access.

SHAPE NM believes access to hygiene facilities is a basic human right. Have you recently used a business’ restroom and were met with a door code to the bathroom? Want to give others access so they don't have to go on the street or worse, don't go at all? Drop us the codes when you come across them so we can allow the community access. Fill out the form below to contribute to community support and autonomy on service access.

We are still in the collection phase of this project but hope to release this information to the public. Be sure to subscribe to our Newsletter to get updates on when this project is released. Thanks for helping us shape the community’s experience, bringing autonomy and empowering people to make best decisions for themselves! 

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Other Resources in our Community

Project Feed the Hood

🌱Planting Seeds For Community Needs🌱

Project Feed the Hood is a food literacy and community gardening initiative of the Southwest Organizing Project (SWOP) that aims to improve community health through education and revival of traditional growing methods. Project Feed the Hood is a food justice movement that cultivates through land-based education, youth leadership development, and regenerative farming. They envision a future where community controls, grows, and sustains their local food systems. They are located at 3400 Ross Ave SE 87106.

ABQ Punk Safety Initiative

The Punk Safety Initiative is a collaboration between healthcare workers, music venues, artists, musicians, and harm reduction specialists. It is a collective of volunteers dedicated to providing harm reduction materials to Albuquerque’s thriving DIY music scene. Built upon principles of mutual aid, trust, and a desire to keep our community safe, they provide supplies such as Narcan, fentanyl test strips, condoms, and information guides on safer drug use, sexual assault resources, and safe sex intended for concert-goers, musicians, and their loved ones.

John Brown Breakfast Club

The John Brown Breakfast Club is self described as an anti-cop, anti-capitalist food project running since 2017. The Breakfast Club runs every Saturday from 10:30-11:00AM at 1st and Silver under the bridge by the Greyhound Station.

New Mexico Harm Reduction Collaborative

NMHRC promotes using an anti-stigma, community led, Mutual Aid approach to Syringe Access Services, Overdose Prevention, and Referrals to resources in our community.​

NMHRC promotes health equity through safer drug use, overdose prevention, and helping participants and community members to take an active role in creation of policies, procedures, and activities within our organization and others throughout the community. 

Want to share community resources? Reach out to us to add it to our Community Resource page!